Cost-Benefit Analysis of Outsourcing eLearning Video Production

Pradnya Maske
3 min readJun 20, 2024
elearning video production

As organizations increasingly embrace eLearning to train employees and educate students, the decision of whether to produce eLearning videos in-house or to outsource the task becomes crucial. Outsourcing eLearning video production has its own set of costs and benefits, which need to be carefully weighed to make an informed decision. This article provides a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis to help you determine whether outsourcing eLearning video production is the right choice for your organization.

Costs of Outsourcing eLearning Video Production

Direct Financial Costs

  • Production Fees: Outsourcing to a professional video production company involves paying for their expertise, equipment, and resources. These fees can vary widely depending on the complexity and scope of the project.
  • Consultation Fees: Some companies charge for initial consultations, particularly for complex or large-scale projects.
  • Revisions and Updates: Additional costs may be incurred for revisions, updates, or additional features requested after the initial production is complete.

Indirect Costs

  • Project Management: Even when outsourcing, internal resources are needed to manage the project, communicate with the production team, and provide feedback.
  • Vendor Selection: Time and resources are required to research, evaluate, and select the right video production vendor.

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Benefits of Outsourcing eLearning Video Production

Expertise and Quality

  • Professional Quality: Outsourcing to experienced video production companies ensures high-quality content with professional-grade visuals, audio, and editing.
  • Specialized Skills: Professional companies bring specialized skills, including animation, scripting, voiceovers, and post-production, which might not be available in-house.
  • Latest Technology: Access to the latest technology and tools ensures that the videos are up-to-date with current industry standards.

Cost Efficiency

  • No Need for In-House Investment: Outsourcing eliminates the need for significant upfront investments in video production equipment, software, and specialized staff.
  • Scalability: Outsourced services can be scaled up or down based on project needs, providing flexibility without long-term financial commitments.

Time Savings

  • Faster Turnaround: Professional production companies often have streamlined processes and can deliver projects faster than an in-house team starting from scratch.
  • Focus on Core Activities: Outsourcing allows internal teams to focus on their core activities, improving overall productivity and efficiency.

Access to Innovation

  • Creative Expertise: Outsourcing partners can bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the table, enhancing the creativity and effectiveness of the eLearning content.
  • Up-to-date Practices: Professional companies stay abreast of the latest trends and best practices in eLearning, ensuring your content remains current and effective.

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Weighing the Costs and Benefits

When deciding whether to outsource eLearning video production, it’s essential to consider the following factors:

Budget Constraints

  • Assess your budget for video production. While outsourcing may have higher initial costs, it can be more cost-effective in the long run due to the quality and expertise provided.

Project Complexity

  • Complex projects that require specialized skills or advanced technology are often better handled by professional production companies.


  • If there is a tight deadline, outsourcing can expedite the production process thanks to the efficiency and experience of professional teams.

In-House Capabilities

  • Evaluate the skills and resources available in-house. If your team lacks the necessary expertise, outsourcing may be the best option to ensure high-quality output.

Long-term Needs

  • Consider your long-term video production needs. If video production is a one-time or infrequent need, outsourcing is more cost-effective than investing in an in-house team. For ongoing, frequent video production, a mixed approach might be considered.


Outsourcing eLearning video production presents a compelling case for many organizations, offering access to professional expertise, high-quality content, and time and cost efficiencies. However, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis considering your specific needs, budget, and long-term goals. By carefully weighing the costs against the benefits, you can make an informed decision that maximizes the impact of your eLearning initiatives and ensures the best return on investment.



Pradnya Maske

Product Marketing Manager with over 10+ years of experience in the eLearning Industry |